Monday, April 16, 2007

I must admit that "the god's must be crazy" part I and II are some of my new favorite films.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

So, we're not going to be personal or anything, because we don't do virtual personal.

And indeed, we, it is not just she.
(that means more than one, even more than 2).
There's three of us.

Let's be mysterious. Like the kind of thinkin when the sky is purple with rumble clouds or when the toaster smokes like a smokestack or when you have foggy glasses on a clear night.
It seems that the only sense in this fragmented discussion of brains that storm has been somehow misplaced and covered up with an off-tone foundation...the kind that you dab on with those little triangle foam squares you or your grama have in your bathroom top drawer...only the coffee had turned too cold to drink days ago, so now its time to turn off the stove top before you forget and then accidentally leave the house unlocked, but in a hazardous state.
Who decides, anyways, how much mint is jammed into the center of a schokomint...if only there were mint in the center...fearful. Its schoko jammed in there. Mistakes sometimes seem to cover this blasted cover of my book titled 'the sunny shone through you last time too'.
Sometimes they say that our rapid fire button pushing is pushing the limits. And somehow.
We could agree.
We three.

There has been nothing else. No storming kopfs. Kein kopfs left.
All spilled out before the scene above.

Nice and tidy-like.

Is that mysterious enough?

(the artwork above has been produced in cooperation by Kara, Kerry, and Breanne)...we threee.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Perhaps I shall call my posts, "The Quarterlies".
The name will represent the number of times I actually publish these days.
I posted last in January and it is now April.

Today is my last day of classes.
Time flies. Cliche, yes but true.
(I am convinced that humans were not meant for this time business).

I have just erased a couple of paragraphs that I was writing as an update on my life.
If you know me and actually want to know what is going on, call me up, we'll go for coffee. How does that sound? (When I ask someone how they are doing, and what they are up to, I like real, unedited answers where I can see and hear their expressions).

I am not always convinced that this blogging stuff is the best use of my time. I think I will have to come up with a specific purpose for posting, or it is useless. Any ideas?
(Sorry if this post sounds bleak).

On a brighter note...
I was so refreshed yesterday because of the water that fell from the sky onto my head and new rain coat.
It was so nice to have water in its liquid form falling on my head, (as opposed to the water in solid form falling today - beautiful still, but just colder).

Monday, January 22, 2007

Its been a while.
I guess I am back, for now.
It seems like it always takes me so long to post anything, (or do anything on the computer for that matter).
Here is a brief rundown on life since I posted last...

  • Finished my seventh university semester.
  • Finished school earlier than usual so I went to Saskatchewan with the boy to visit friends and some family. Came home and visited more family and friends. (I love Christmas).
  • Flew with my sister to Germany where we wisited some great friends for Christmas, some other great friends for New Years. Czeched out Prague (i pretty much love prague). Reunited with Austria (and milka and some rad people). Pictures coming perhaps.
  • Came home. Started school.
Well thats all for today.

Monday, November 27, 2006


This weekend my sister and I watched a foreign film called Water.
Very sad, but I really liked it. It was a film from India (with english subtitles) set in 1938, when Ghandi was stirring up change in the country. It is a film that puts a picture to James 1:27 (...widows in their distress).

Thursday, November 23, 2006

The coffee I am drinking right now is excellent. It is Fratello's Ethiopian Sidamo Regular Roast brewed in a french press, (the best way to brew coffee I think). I shouldn't be blogging right now. I should be working on a huge paper that is due monday that I have not started writing. Of course, I've been thinking about it lots though...
Coffee has been on my mind lately. It seems to me that North American society has gone bananas over coffee. In my town newspaper a couple weeks ago, there was an article about a traffic problem that has arisen because of the extremely long car line ups stretching from the drive through onto the road and down the street to where is plugs up the corner. At my university campus, there are a number of coffee shops with a varity of delicious brews, some even fair trade, however, the line up still flows all the way across the cafeteria in front of one particular franchise. One of the reasons I think I have been thinking about this lately is because of the frequency in which I hear someone say, "I NEED MY COFFEE!" or "What would I do without this?" I thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly enjoy a freshly brewed pot of dark brown caffinated goodness but I have been wondering, should we be so dependent on this stuff and should we be so zealous about it. (At this point my sister pipes up, and shouldn't you be working on your paper. Yeah, actually I should.) I just want to be conscious of where my coffee comes from, (who is harvesting them, selling them, who is supported) and make sure that it is not the priority of my morning. I have a feeling the time that I spend making coffee should be balanced by time spend with the One who grows those beans and cares deeply about everyone who has anything to do with those beans from harvest till when my cup is warm.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Why is the gospel so often advertised as a religion that will make your life better?

I have been encouraged lately. I recently started listening to lectures from Hans Peter Royer, director of Tauernhof, a Torchbearers school.
Hans Peter reminded me, through this lecture, that the gospel is NOT meant to be a life IMPROVER, but instead, a life SAVER. The gospel does not promise to make our lives easier or happier, but it does promise to save us from death, give us hope of salvation.
A person will not hold onto Christ if when they accept Christ, they think they are going to gain a happier, more comfortable life. A person such as this will abandon the faith when they discover that life with Christ will not always be comfortable and will actually be hard and challenging at times.
In contrast, if an individual accepts Christ knowing that he or she NEEDS a Savior, they WILL hold onto their faith, because they know their life depends on it.
